Last week, Friends of Moreland Woods hosted a meeting to gauge the neighborhood’s response to the proposed new plan for Moreland Woods. More than 40 people showed up.
We began by presenting a series of slides outlining what we knew of the details. Next, Read Stapleton, a planner with the civil engineering firm hired by FPG — Wilhelm’s new owners — answered questions.
There were a lot of them. Although not everyone had a strong opinion, it became clear that most folks in attendance were generally quite skeptical of FPG’s proposal. An unofficial show of hands indicated strong resistance to the plan to sell the existing parking lot, strong resistance to the plan to build a new 23-space parking lot on Moreland Woods, and strong resistance to the plan to use the Woods as a cemetery.
Folks were generally supportive of FPG’s offer to create a public trail through Moreland Woods that would provide access to the bluff and, if feasible in the future, a potential trail or overlook into Oaks Bottom Wildlife Refuge.
At the end of the meeting, we gave everyone the chance to officially express their opinions on paper.