We’re excited to report that our Moreland Woods survey generated 444 responses, and the input we received was pretty consistent. Most respondents were adamant in their desire to preserve the more than 20 mature Douglas Fir trees on the site, no matter what else might happen there. Eighty-six percent said they want to protect the trees and maintain the Woods as open space. According to one: “As our neighborhood is developed with condos, lofts, apartments, and large homes, Moreland Woods presents an opportunity to take a calming walk, catch your breath, and enjoy the views.”
Respondents were most interested in the Woods’ use as an outdoor classroom for nature activities; fairly interested in its use for the Moreland Farmers Market and as an expansion for Llewellyn School; and mixed in their views about its use as a dog park. Most supported adding seating, picnic tables, and a trail to connect the Woods to Oaks Bottom Wildlife Refuge below.
To the statement “If Moreland Woods was kept as open space, my greatest concern would be…,” they responded:
Camping 37.6%
I do not have any concerns 31.1%
Maintenance costs 12.4%
Public safety 9%
Other 5.4%
Parking 2%
Impact of use on neighbors 1.4%
Loss of developable land 1.1%
Several respondents acknowledged the need for affordable housing in a neighborhood already fortunate to have a lot of greenspace—a growing challenge for most of the city. “Sellwood-Moreland is blessed with a lot of parks and wildlife areas,” one wrote, “I would be a proponent of dense housing in this location, especially if it was somehow made affordable.” Yet across the board, nearly everyone who responded said they believed that any future plans for Moreland Woods should foremost seek to protect the majestic conifers for which it’s named. “Keep the trees!” several begged. “KEEP THE TREES!!”
For the complete results of the survey (we’ve removed all identifying comments), click here.